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Issue 12 l December 2019
Director's Corner
"Bees are vital for human survival.  According to Research, the loss of bees will drastically affect the very basis of our survival. In order to save the bees, grow flowers and conserve nature. Give life to the earth. Live healthy and happily."
- Dr. Vinitaa Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
          Common Name:
    Indian abutilon /
Indian mallow

  Scientific name:

  Abutilon indium

Information/Uses/ Benefits –
In traditional medicine, A. indicum various parts of the plant are used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, sedative, astringent, expectorant, tonic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, and analgesic and to treat leprosy, ulcers, headaches, gonorrhoea, and bladder infection.

In ancient days, maidens were made to consume a spoonful of this powder with a spoonful of honey, once in a day, for 6 months until the day of marriage, for safe and quick pregnancy. 

The plant is very much used in Siddha medicines. The root, bark, flowers, leaves and seeds are all used for medicinal purposes by Tamils. The leaves are used as adjunct to medicines used for pile complaints. 

Issue 12 l December 2019
Plant Adoption Activity at Smritivan, Warje
(16th November, 2019)
Plant adoption initiative at Smritivan, Warje, Pune. On 14th November, Mr. Sagar Hasabnis and Mr. Mahendra Hasabnis has adopted 3 plants (2 Banyan tree and 1 Peepal tree) in the memory of their late parents at Smritivan. During the plant adoption, they also followed the Hindu ritual and buried the ashes of their late mother into the roots of the adopted plants instead of immersing it into the water.

On 16th November, Madhekar Bandhu from Pune has adopted 3 plants (2 Banyan tree and 1 Peepal tree) in the memory of their late parents. 

TERRE Policy Centre appreciates the families for their initiative towards the environmental conservation by keeping the remembrance of their parents in the form of plants.
Mr. Sagar Hasabnis and
Mr. Mahendra Hasabnis 
 Mr. Madhekar Bandhu and family
TERRE invited by

Spanish Ambassador COP 25 Presentation 

(29th November, 2019)
On the occasion of the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Madrid, 2-13 December 2019), , Dr. Vinitaa Apte - Founder Director TERRE was invited for the COP 25 Presentation event  in New Delhi.

TERRE is an Observer Party to UNFCCC in COP 25 Spain, where it will participate in a side event on 'Women-Led Initiative in Reducing Climate Change Impacts & Climate Literacy an innovation in Climate Change Education'.

A Press Conference will also be hosted by TERRE in COP 25 with the following objectives:

1. Rapid action on climate crisis: What universities can do? (Release of guidelines for single use plastics and sustainable landscape for carbon neutral campus. Announcement of scaling-up TERRE Olympiad globally) 

2. Creating Carbon sink through unique collaborations: Urban forestry
H.E. the Ambassador of Spain Mr. José Ramón Barañano
H.E. the Ambassador of Chile Mr. Juan Angulo Monsalve &
Cleanliness Drive at Mula-Mutha River Bank
(30th November, 2019)
TERRE under its Smart Campus Cloud Network organised Cleanliness Drive at Mula-Mutha river bank in close association with Pune Municipal Corporation (SWaCH) and Adar Poonawala. Around 200 students from colleges around Pune actively participated in the drive.
Issue 12 l December 2019
TERRE Olympiad
(5th Edition, 2019-2020)
Final Round Over !!
The final round of TERRE Olympiad 2019-20 is successfully completed. Around 3000 participants from 5th to undergraduate students has attended the final round exam. Results of the Olympiad will be announced in the mid of December 2019. Award ceremony will be in January 2020.

All the winning students and schools will be awarded on a national platform at the hands of Hon. Prakash Javadekar, MoEF&CC, Minister of IB and Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises of India since 2019.

We request all the participants to stay posted on the link below for result updates:
Teachers Olympiad
(9th Edition - December, 2019)
TERRE conducted its 9th edition of Teachers Olympiad, which is an online competition scheduled every month. TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with Earth Day Network launched this Olympiad to encourage the teachers to spread awareness about environmental issues among students. 
Winner of Teachers Olympiad - September
Mr. Prashant Nikumbh
Faculty at Aarti English Medium School, Bhoisar

Interested teachers can register anytime for the Olympiad using the link given below:
For any queries regarding the above competition, feel free to contact us : 
Email ID:
Contact: 020-25448650
Issue 12 l December 2019
TERRE has declared national level 'Young Research Fellowship' in the reverential memory of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam had high expectations from the youth of India and keeping this in context, TERRE has announced this noble award on the occasion of Late Dr. Kalam’s birth anniversary - 15 October 2019.

Academic qualification: Under-graduates, post-graduates, Ph.D. of any stream.

Age eligibility: Minimum 19 years and maximum 25 years of age (as on 01.01.2020)

Research themes: Plastic, Clean Air, Agriculture and Environment Friendly Technology & Innovation.

Fellowship details: Young researchers who have worked or are working in the themes (as mentioned above) will be considered and upto 50 participants will be shortlisted for the fellowship. Innovative & unique idea will be awarded with INR 10,000 along with a Citation, Scroll and Medallion.

Fellowship will be awarded on remembrance day of Dr. Kalam i.e. 27th July 2020. Scrutinising committee headed Mr. Ashok Mangotra an Ex Chartered Officer and close acquaintance Late of Dr. Kalam.

Registration details: The registration portal will be open from 1st January 2020.

Follow the link for more information:
Issue 12 l December 2019

Eurasian Teal

Anas crecca

The Eurasian teal, common teal, or Eurasian green-winged teal (Anas crecca) is a common and widespread duck which breeds in temperate Eurasia and migrates south in winter. The Eurasian teal is often called simply the teal due to being the only one of these small dabbling ducks in much of its range. The bird gives its name to the blue-green colour teal.

This dabbling duck is highly gregarious outside of the breeding season and will form large flocks. In flight, the fast, twisting flocks resemble waders; despite its short legs, it is also rather nimble on the ground by ducks' standards. In the breeding season, it is a common inhabitant of sheltered freshwater wetlands with some tall vegetation, such as taiga bogs or small lakes and ponds with extensive reedbeds. In winter, it is often seen in brackish waters and even in sheltered inlets and lagoons along the seashore.

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PET plastic is most-widely recycled. It is often used for single-use clear plastic bottles. You can recycle this plastic if your Local Authority refers to:
  • Plastic Bottles
  • Fizzy pop bottles
  • Mouthwash bottles
  • Yoghurt pots (check the plastic before recycling as some can be made from polystyrene)
PET can be recycled into polyester fabric and filling for fleeces, carpets and cushion fillings.
Issue 12 l December 2019
Climate Change and Bush Fires across New South Wales

Bushfires in Australia are quite common although "the bushfire season" varies region to region. However, climate change in the last few years has resulted in more severe fires, which have accounted for over 300 deaths in the past five decades.

There are approximately 125 bush and grass fires burning across New South Wales as on November 26th 2019, with a total of 6 casualties and more than 650 homes destroyed. The Climate Commission concluded that the intensity and seasonality of large bushfires in South-East Australia appears to be changing. The possible contributing factor for such changes is climate change. In 2007, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), an independent Australian federal government responsible for improving economic and social performance, found evidence in a study that climate change leads to increase in probability of earlier onset of the fire season.

Bushfires can have significant impact on the air quality, visibility, and human health. This increase in the intensity of bushfires has resulted in what is being called 'an unprecedented event'. The affected areas are experiencing thick smoke and extremely poor air quality. Bushfires release pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, smoke and other particulate matter. According to the official reports, the fires could escalate in the coming few weeks. Respiratory ill effects as well as psychological problems following bushfires need to be treated as important public health issues. Several studies support that such potentially serious health consequences have increased.

Despite all the researches and studies conducted, Prime Minister of Australia claimed that there was no link between Australia's level of Greenhouse Gas emissions and the ongoing bushfires. Nevertheless, bushfires and forest fires continue to be one of the fastest growing environmental hazards.
 - Advait Khare
BYK College of Commerce, Nashik
Issue 12 l December 2019

'If you help us raise our questions to the public, we will live !'

Courtesy: Dhanraj Garad

Delhi is the most polluted city in the world top 10 cities with an Air Quality Index (AQI) reading of 527, according to a report by private weather forecasting agency Skymet. 

Which company constructed a 0.85 km of road with plastic waste at Faridabad?
  1. ITC
  2. Indian Oil
  3. ONGC
  4. Bharat Petroleum
If you know the answer, send us at

Last month's quiz answer -
D. Pantanal (South America)
Sopan Mundale
Issue 12 l December 2019

The Environment CROSSWORD

Increase your IQ and Knowledge by

solving this environmental-based
Crossword and send it to
1. Which country has largest forest 
area in the world?
2. In the autumn season, leaves of
these trees change colour, creating a
beautiful tableau of yellows, oranges
and fiery reds.
3. Native tree of India and Srilanka,
sometimes incorrectly known as
Saraca indica.
4. This animal is worshipped in India
5. The giant tree is the tallest living thing
on the planet, having heights of 95 meters
is from which part of world?
6. Way of farming to control climate for
protection of cultivation in agriculture
7. Tall coniferous trees of the pine family
noted for their fragrant durable wood
8. A giant woody grass, which is grown
chiefly in the tropics
Last Crossword Answer

Issue 12 l December 2019
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DECLARATION: TERRE Policy Centre is a non-profit organization and this NewsleTERRE is a purely informative and non-commercial activity of TERRE Policy Centre. The source of information is always credited, where applicable.

Editor NewsleTERRE:
Dr. Vinitaa Apte 
(Founder Director, TERRE)

Editorial Team :
Rajkumari Suryawanshi, Dinah Gengmei, Ankit Gaurav and Amol Tayade