Director's Corner
"The atmosphere around us is very weird. Climate Change hits every part of our life. We need to think first about environment before any act of our day to day life.
Save Environment, Save Life !"
- Dr. Vinitaa Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
Common Name:
Drumstick tree
Scientific name:
Moringa oleifera
Common Name - Drumstick Tree
Drumstick tree is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. Common names include Horse radish tree, Ben oil tree or Benz olive tree.
Information/Uses/ Benefits –
- Moringa is grown in home gardens and as living fences in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
- India is the largest producer of moringa.
- In the Philippines and Indonesia, It is widely cultivated for its young seed pods and leaves used as vegetables and for traditional herbal medicine.
- The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant.
- The immature seed pods, called "drumsticks”, a good source of dietary fibre, potassium, magnesium, and manganese.
- Moringa seed oil also has potential for use as a biofuel, food supplement, as a base for cosmetics, and for hair and the skin. The bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds and flowers are used in traditional medicine.
Issue 11 l November 2019
Tree Plantation Activity by Persistent Systems
(5th October, 2019)
Group of 70 enthusiast volunteer from ‘Persistent’ under its CSR activities planted 600 indigenous trees like Vad, Pimpal, Mahogany, Jamun, Arjun, Kadunimb at Mahalunge Tekadi, near Balewadi Stadium. TERRE congratulates all the young enthusiasts for their active engagements in its efforts of greening the planet.
TERRE goes Local at Kaas Plateau
(30th October, 2019)
TERRE Policy Centre in close association with Joint Forest Management Committee (JFMC) of 6 villages on Western Ghat Plateau organized Annual Community Dialogue with the local community. The Dialogue was to address the challenges and identify the opportunities related to sustainable living, the conservation of biodiversity and balanced economic development of the UNESCO inscribed World Natural Heritage site.
The event was inaugurated with the special video message by Hon. Prakash Javadekar - Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Mr. Shrikant Katre, Resident Editor Prabhat graced the event as a Chief Guest and Dr. Sandeep Shrotri, Ranwata as Special Guest. Mr. Rajendra Shende, Chairman TERRE led the session and moderated the discussions. The other instrumental role were played by Dr. Bharat Hada - DCF Satara, Dr. Deepak Harne -Regional Manager MTDC, young researchers, experts and journalists. TERRE also distributed Solar lamps to the forest guards.
Issue 11 l November 2019
National Level Young Research Fellowship
(15th October, 2019)
“This fellowship with an aim of distinguishing young researchers from India with extraordinary promise and creativity will notable research contributions in environment protection”,
said Dr. Vinitaa Apte - Founder Director TERRE
TERRE has declared national level 'Young Research Fellowship' in the reverential memory of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam had high expectations from the youth of India and keeping this in context, TERRE has announced this noble award on the occasion of Late Dr. Kalam’s birth anniversary - 15 October 2019.
Academic qualification: Under-graduates, post-graduates, Ph.D. of any stream.
Age eligibility: Minimum 19 years and maximum 25 years of age (as on 01.01.2020)
Research themes: Plastic, Clean Air, Agriculture and Environment Friendly Technology & Innovation.
Fellowship details: Young researchers who have worked or are working in the themes (as mentioned above) will be considered and upto 50 participants will be shortlisted for the fellowship. Innovative & unique idea will be awarded with INR 10,000 along with a Citation, Scroll and Medallion.
Fellowship will be awarded on remembrance day of Dr. Kalam i.e. 27th July 2020. Scrutinising committee headed Mr. Ashok Mangotra an Ex Chartered Officer and close acquaintance Late of Dr. Kalam.
Registration details: The registration portal will be open from 1st January 2020.
Follow the link for more information:
Issue 11 l November 2019
TERRE Olympiad completed its First Round
(5th Edition, 2018-2019)
Countdown for the second round begins !
We are pleased to announce that the result of first round of “TERRE Green Olympiad” got declared on 15th October and all the shortlisted students/schools have been informed. The result can also been accessed on the official website of ‘TERRE Green Olympiad’ and ‘TERRE Policy Centre’.
The FINAL ROUND will be open
from 15th November till 30th November
We request all the participants to stay posted on the link below for further updates:
Teachers Olympiad
(8th Edition - November, 2019)
TERRE conducted its 8th edition of Teachers Olympiad, which is an online competition scheduled every month. TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with Earth Day Network launched this Olympiad to encourage the teachers to spread awareness about environmental issues among students.
Issue 11 l November 2019
A vulture is a scavenging bird of prey. The two types of vultures are the New World vultures, including the Californian and Andean condors, and the Old World vultures, including the birds that are seen scavenging on carcasses of dead animals on African plains.
A particular characteristic of many vultures is a bald head, devoid of normal feathers. Although it has been historically believed to help keep the head clean when feeding, the bare skin may play an important role in thermoregulation.
Vultures in south Asia, mainly in India and Nepal, have declined dramatically since the early 1990s. It has been found that this decline was caused by residues of the veterinary drug Diclofenac in animal carcasses. The government of India has taken very late cognizance of this fact and has banned the drug for animals. However, it may take decades for vultures to come back to their earlier population level.
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Food Storage - Choose reusable storage containers instead of plastic bags. Make sure all plastic film and plastic bags and baggies get bundled together and recycled in the Plastic Film Recycling container at Safeway. Trillions of plastic film food bags get used every year, but only 12.9% get recycled. Most end up in landfills.
Issue 11 l November 2019
Are Electric Cars Really Environment-Friendly?
Manufacturing of electric cars by automobile giants like Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai and Ford has had media’s attention since quite a while. Along with the media, environmental organizations across the globe have been assessing the pros and cons of electric vehicles, particularly their manufacturing process.
Despite revolutionizing the transportation techniques, debates often arise in contrast to the green label that comes with electric cars prominently because of the amount of carbon emissions during the manufacturing process of their batteries. A study in China illustrating the downside of choosing Electric Vehicles (EVs) over Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEVs) has shown that the techniques used in China for the manufacturing of EV batteries emit up to 60% more CO2 than production of the ICEV engines. However, if American or European production techniques are used, the emissions can be cut by 65%.
EV batteries require procurement and manipulation of rare earth minerals (cobalt, nickel and lithium) for manufacturing. This process contributes to carbon emissions. Moreover, these rare earth minerals are found largely concentrated in a few countries - Congo, Chile and Bolivia, which makes it difficult to extract and import efficiently. As a result, 50% of the total cost of an EV consists of the cost of batteries. A study by International Council on Clean Transportation (ICTT) marks the difference in the amount of emissions of EVs and ICEVs over the course of their lifetimes. In case of the EVs, due to no combustion, the emissions take place only during the procurement of raw material and manufacturing process.
Another efficiency issue arises in countries where the major portion (79% in India) of electricity is derived from thermal power sources – coal and natural gas. Emissions by thermal power plants include Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide which contribute to global warming. With that being said, there still remains a question mark whether EVs will turn out to be a dream or a nightmare.
- Advait Khare
Issue 11 l November 2019
"Polluted clouds,
Oh My God,
This is Diwali
with crackers !!"
Courtesy: Dhanraj Garad
44 solar energy statistics that reveal just how quickly solar is growing–and what kind of impact it’s having on the American environment and economy.
Which among the following is the World’s largest Wetland System?
[A] Camargue (France)
[B] Okavango (Botswana)
[C] Everglades (USA)
[D] Pantanal (South America)
If you know the answer, send us at
Last month's quiz answer -
A. Donson Units
Amol Pathak
Issue 11 l November 2019
The Environment CROSSWORD
Increase your IQ and Knowledge by
2. Measuring unit of diamond
4. Toxic pollutant metal
5. Singular
8. One of the five elements
1. Simple rootless water plants
3. Corrosive Solution pH less than
6. Basic requirement of every life.
7. Plants of native area are called __
Last Crossword Answer

Issue 11 l November 2019