Director's Corner
The whole world is going through a crisis. The uncertainty of such a time makes man inactive. But at the same time nature inspires us. Believe in the power of nature, cherish that power, that power will bring the whole world out of this crisis.stay safe !
- Dr. Vinitaa Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
Common Name:
Scientific name:
Ficus racemosa
Audumber (Ficus Racemosa) is an evergreen, moderate to large-sized spreading, lactiferous, deciduous tree 15-18 m high, without prominent aerial roots. Ficus is an exceptionally large pan-tropical genus with over 700 species distributed widely throughout the warmer parts of Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. It is retained as a single, large genus because it is well defined by its unique reproductive system, involving synconia fig and specialized pollinator wasps.
Audumber (Ficus Racemosa) is commonly known as ‘gular’, and all parts of this plant are regarded medicinally important in Ayurveda and it has been used extensively in the treatment of biliary disorders, jaundice, dysentery, diabetes, diarrhea and inflammatory conditions.
Nisarg Ranga
# DidYouKnow
Shekru means Indian Giant Squirrel is a symbol of pride for Maharashtra.
Bhimashnkar Sanctuary is reserve Sanctuary for Shekru
Blue Mormon is known as the "State Butterfly" for Maharashtra,
In Marathi it is called as Nilpankh.
Issue 05 l May 2020
Talking about change one is often reminded of this quote by Niccolò Machiavelli – “It should be borne in mind that there is nothing more difficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new. Their support is lukewarm … partly because people are generally incredulous, never really trusting new things unless they have tested them by experience”. But perhaps he was talking about changes that are externally imposed.
The Mahatma famously said ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’. Michael Jackson sang of the ‘Man in the Mirror’. Choose your hero, Michael or the Mahatma, but the message is simple. Our whole thinking must change. We have to expect less from others and ask ourselves what we can do for the others.
As the joke goes – the Dalai Lama had just won the Nobel Prize and was feeling somewhat peckish. So he goes to a nearby eatery to order a pizza. The young man taking the order asks him, what sort of pizza do you want, Sir. And Dalai Lama says somewhat tongue-in-cheek, ‘make me one with everything’. Plush wish the Nobel cash, he pays with a $20 bill and waits his turn. He gets the pizza and somewhat uneasily asks the young man ‘where’s the change’ and he replies with a chuckle ‘the change Sir, must come from within’. Jokes apart, the takeaway here is that each one of us has to be that agent of change.
As a teenager, one saw images of the iconic Ford Mustang and heard that driving the it North South along the Pacific Coastal Highway in California was the thing to do. When I first travelled to California I neither had the time nor the money to indulge is this cherished activity. On some subsequent visits, I had the money but no time. On my most recent trip, I was fortunate to have both the time and money to fulfil my dream. But then I thought, do I really need to do this? Can my money be directed to something somewhat more useful? This ability to distinguish between what you want and what you need must come from within.
When we are young, we have our whole life ahead of us but we are very impatient. As we grow older, we are increasingly aware that our time on the earth is getting progressively limited yet we tend to get infinitely more patient with things around us. This is a dichotomy or a contradiction but it is also a change in perception that comes from within through self-awakening or self-realisation or whatever we may choose to call it. Curiously, one is also eager to make a difference to the extent one can.
The recognition therefore, that the time to do something about the environment is rather limited and if we don’t do something, our future generations will never forgive us, is something that must come from within. And only when that ‘change’ among
us happens will we do so  mething about protecting and preserving our environment for our children and our children’s children. Each one of us can and should be that agent of change and ensure that the we do our utmost to inculcate this idea in at least another person so he or she also has this feeling that the change must come from within.
...........Sunil Murlidhar Shastri FRGS FRSA
Consultant | Expert | Speaker
Director, OceanGovernance Limited
Issue 05 l May 2020
TERRE Policy Centre Online training program
(14th April, 2020)
On 14th April 2020, TERRE Policy Centre has conducted Online training program for the Citizens of Tehran, Iran. It is a United Nation CCAC (The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants) project for which TERRE is an implementation partner. The training session was taken and lead by Dr. Vinita Apte Founder Director TERRE. The subject of online training was like
'The role of Citizen Scientists in Identifying/Reporting air Pollution issues' and 'Best practices of Activism for The Right to breath Clean air'. Total three training was conducted till now; the 3rd training session was on 28th April 2020 on An introduction on MVR for community stakeholders. More than 300 participants mainly activist, Advocate and the Master students from environmental field were participated in the programme. The training program was conducted through online portal as well as on Telegram.
Earth Day Webinar
Hon. Prakash Javadekar
(22nd April, 2020)
On the occasion of Earth day, Special Webinar session has been conducted by Dr. Rajendra Shende on 22nd April 2020. Hon. Mr. Prakash Javadekar, the Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Minister of Information and Broadcasting was the key speaker of the webinar. Hon. Minister explained the different issue related to environment, ecology, economics, carbon emission, sustainable lifestyle, forest fire, climate action etc.
He discussed the consumption pattern of Indians as compared to other developed nations whose contribution to the pollution is much as compared to India. He mentioned that the electricity consumption of per person in India is at 1000 unit per year. While there are 25 cars per 1000 people in India and 400-600 cars per 1000 people in developed countries.
Emphasis was given on the transition which will be taking place post lockdown with primary focus on promoting more economic activities. Hon. Minister promised that the transition wouldn’t be at the cost of the environment and a balanced approach would be taken. The minister also focused on not romanticizing the clean air, unpolluted rivers during lockdown, because economic activities are temporarily shut due to lockdown.
In order to provide a global picture of the environment, forest fires across the globe majorly in Amazon, Canada and Australia were being discussed, which was the cause of habitat loss and increase in the global pollution level. Hon. Minister has assured that India would definitely become a leader in taking Climate Actions and increasing the green cover.
A focus on having a sustainable lifestyle was also being emphasized by the hon. Minister in order to keep oneself in better condition especially during the lockdown while people were staying within the confines of their homes.
The programme concluded after the question-answer session where participants posted questions to Hon. Minister.
Issue 05 l May 2020
TERRE director interviewed at Cimpatico studio on “Urban Forestry & afforestation In India: Bringing Partners together.”
(22nd April, 2020)
Dr. Vinita Apte, Founder director TERRE was invited for the interview by an online news channel Cimapatico Studios based in US. The interview was organized on 22nd April 2020 on Earth day to discuss and share the successful journey of TERRE and Dr. Apte throughout the years towards conserving the mother Earth and climate change mitigation measures taken by TERRE. The interview was taken by Mr. Doug Parsons from Cimpatico studio.
Mr. Doug has initiated the interview by giving a brief introduction about the TERRE Policy Centre and its key working areas and flagship projects of TERRE and role of NGO and Corporate sector in CSR.
Dr. Vinitaa Apte, has explained the flagship projects of TERRE with its social and environmental impacts. Dr. Apte has covered “Urban Forestry & Afforestation in India: Bringing Partners together.” She explained about the involvement of local tribal youth in the implementation of plantation, education and awareness projects. She also described how TERRE is planning its current activities regarding COVID 19 and post COVID 19 plans for the further implementation of projects.
Food and Grains Distribution by TERRE at Warje
(25th April, 2020)
During this tough period of COVID-19 pandemic, number of survival issues has been arising for the people who have hand to mouth earing pattern. The biggest victims of this situation are people whose livelihood depends on daily wages and due lockdown they are jobless. The insecurity of food increases the vulnerability of these people.
By understanding social responsibility TERRE policy centre has decided to distribute food and grains to the families who survives on daily wages. Distribution of food was initiated at Warje Pune, near Smritivan area for the daily labours.
By keeping the social distancing as per the government information and maintain the hygiene TERRE has distributed a pack of wheat, rice and pulses among the daily labours which will helpful for them to survive for more than 20 days in this tough situation.
Issue 05 l May 2020
Today the whole world is suffering from COVID-19 pandemic. 'Stay home Stay safe' is compulsory during lockdown for all citizens of the country. The clear effects of the coronavirus observed on children’s education, social life and physical and mental health. A child needs to engage in indoor activities to stay happy and relax. Considering the current situation, E- competition has been organized by TERRE Policy Centre with the support of TATA motors Vasundhara. The E competition was launched on 19 th April 2020 and will remain open till 15 th May 2020. It is an online competition for students and children of age group 6 To 16, where student have been asked to participate in some indoor activities by being at home with available sources and submit the activities through mail and WhatsApp. TERRE initiated this competition with the objective of stoking curiosity & making participation fun and interesting for all the participants so that children will get entertained as well as educate themselves during this lockdown period. E-competition has been receiving an overwhelming response from students throughout India.
Competition is open for total 6 activities which are like below:
1. Drawing Competition on “Corona, Environment & I (Me)”
2. Poem competition
3. Best out of waste
4. Essay competition on “Life through the window during lockdown”
5. Picture competition on “Best time utilization with family during lockdown”
6. “My inspiring story” competition on helping hand during the lockdown.
Children’s can participate in any of the above activities from the list in Hindi / Marathi / English languages. Participants are supposed to submit their activities before 15 th May 2020 through WhatsApp or E-Mail. Winner will be announced on 21st May 2020 on our website www.terrepolicycentre.com and will be awarded with TERRE kit.
Teachers Olympiad
(14th Edition - April 2020)
TERRE conducted its 14th edition of Teachers Olympiad, which is an online competition scheduled every month. TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with Earth Day Network launched this Olympiad to encourage the teachers to spread awareness about environmental issues among students.

Winner of Teachers Olympiad - April, 2020:
Mrs. Ranjana Meena
Goverment Primary School, Karoli, Rajasthan
Issue 05 l May 2020
Young Research Fellowship
TERRE has declared national level 'Young Research Fellowship' in the reverential memory of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Dr Kalam had high expectations from the youth of India and keeping this in context, TERRE has announced this noble award on the occasion of Late Dr Kalam’s birth anniversary - 15 October 2019.
After the six months of the launch of this fellowship, now we came to the final stage of it. More than 130 application was received from all over India and all the researchers have shown enthusiastic efforts through their applications. After the jury review on the applications total 9 enthusiastic applications are selected for the final round of the selection process of the fellowship. All the 9 selected applicants will be asked for a Skype interview by Juries in the month of May and on the bases of their Skype interview and presentation on their project best fellows will be awarded with the Dr. Abdul Kalam Young research fellowship.
All the nine selected fellows details are as below:
- Naveen Kumar
- Janani G
- Vedant Mishra
- Karthikka M
- Pawar Swapnil Ravindra
- Shruti Belose
- Raja Balaswarawathi
- Venkatalaxmi R
- Patill Bhagyashree Viththal
TERRE Warrior of the Month
A field team of the TERRE Policy Centre is contentiously working hard in extreme climatic conditions on field for the protection, maintenance and watering plantation site. Mr. Ashok Ramji Pawar (age 33) is TERRE warrior who belongs from Katkari tribal community located at hamlet of the village Dolvi, Tehsil Pen, District - Raigad, Maharashtra. He is working as a care taker at Dolvi plantation site from last 2 Years. Watering at the hilly plantation site is one of the biggest challenges in  hot
summer having 450C temperature. Mr. Ashok and four women's watering team has continuously adding their efforts for watering at Dolvi Plantation. Lifting water engine, pipes on shoulder and walking on the hills is not easy task for the team. He is successfully doing watering on the 28 Hectare Plantation land having 22220 plants with 73.69 % survival rate. He is playing important role in the afforestation on barren land and also conservation of biodiversity at Dolvi plantation site. Considering his efforts and hard work TERRE Policy Centre declared
Mr. Ashok Ramji Pawar as TERRE warrior of the Month.
Issue 05 l May 2020
Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)
The red panda ( Ailurus fulgens) is a mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List because the wild population is estimated at fewer than 10,000 mature individuals and continues to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression. Despite its name, it is not closely related to the giant panda. It is also called the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear...... Read More
"Always Switch off the mobile phone charger switches when not in use, so we can reduce CO2 emission which results from the production of electricity".
Issue 05 l May 2020
Environment Reviving Sustainably Amid Coronavirus Lockdown?
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a global reduction in economic activity and although this is major cause for concern, less human activity appears to have had a positive impact on the environment. Industrial and transport emissions and effluents have reduced, and measurable data supports the clearing of pollutants in the atmosphere, soil and water.
An example of clean air was seen by the residents of Jalandhar, a city in Punjab state, which got a view of the Dhauladhar mountain range, a rare scene in normal times, considering the distance between the two places- lying nearly 213 kilometres apart from each other and have not been visible from the city in any recent times.
But Indian Environment Minister, Hon. Prakash Javadekar in one of his webinar mentions about the above example and also clarifies with his statement where he says “When we created cities because of our needs and with increasing population things happened like world war. Let us understand that we should not be too romantic on this because we want all this to be green, more cleaner. And for good flora and fauna everything then u have to stop only few things, you can’t have vehicles, industries you have to go back to your old days of villages but then you sustain only 30 crore people and not 130 crore people that also we must understand and we must think of it in a wholistic manner and therefore what is the issue.”
Therefore, it is important to remember that this is a temporary solution to the pollution problem our planet is facing and that will return if industry and vehicular traffic return once the lockdown is over. Hence it is important that we take advantage of this time of lockdown and adopt more sustainable practices for securing our coming future from a different pandemic of Climate Change.
- Sourav Dutta
Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce
My Relationship With TERRE (The Earth)
Pramod Dattatraya Kakade to TERRE team
"We have forgotten our duty towards our mother earth. Today, our earth is the only known planet with life. This life is made up of five great beings, the air, the sky, the earth the light.and water The relationship that humans have with the earth has existed from vaidik periods to twentieth-century environment relationship is eco friendly and worship towards the earth, he did not imagine the survival of the conflict is presented as motherhood that motherearth but we have forgotten all these things today, so today we see the opposite picture. By creating various kinds of pollution on this earth we are leading her to its destruction. I have been trying to create affection for the last 14 th years in the National Green Corps By instilling some eco-friendly habits in the daily life of the students, their relationship with the Earth is getting stronger and they are taking care of this Mother Earth. Terre Policy Centre Pune Contact was made by Dr. Vinita Apte Mr. Rajendra Shende Rajkumari Suryawanshi all the congregation are environmentally friendly working relationship endlessly charitable spirit of our School Terre Policy Center, which is similar to a family member The organization has been organizing various competitions and workshops for students at the national level. The teachers have been continuously helping the organization to create an eco-friendly future generation and this has strengthened the relationship of all students and teachers with the Terre Policy Center. Will take care of the earth We are committed to creating this new generation.  In the end, it is about the earth and the organization"
"How could we live without You
You guard us and feed us
How could we live without You
You give us breath of life"
..........Pramod Dattatraya Kakade
Asstt Teacher,
Sheth jotiprasad vidyalaya, Daund
Tal -Daund Dist -Pune
Issue 05 l May 2020
'Corona doesn't spare your shadow too...
So Stay Home, Stay Safe.!!'
Dhanraj Garad
The death of 15 monkeys over the past two days in the Pawansa village in Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal district has caused enormous panic in the region.
While the autopsy report of the simians is awaited from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) in Bareilly, veterinary doctors suspect that the monkeys may have succumbed to pneumonia ........... Read more.
Which State stands first in the length of roads in the country?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Rajasthan
If you know the answer, send us at
Answer for last month's question:
A). Wuhan
Winner of the last month's question:
Vishal kale
Issue 05 l May 2020