Director's Corner
"The lockdown has certainly helped the environment to recover but it is a temporary solution to the pollution problem our planet is facing and the environment will be polluted once again when the industry and vehicular traffic return back to normal. Hence it is important that we take advantage of this current time of lockdown and adopt more sustainable practices in our day to day life for securing our coming future from the next pandemic of Climate Change."
- Dr. Vinitaa Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
Common Name:
Scientific name:
Tectona Grandis
Teak (Tectona grandis) is a tropical hardwood tree species placed in the flowering plant family Lamiaceae. Some forms of teak are known as Burmese teak, Central Province teak (CP teak), as well as Nagpur teak. In Maharashtra state this tree also known as “Saag Tree”.
Eclology- Tectona grandis is native to India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, northern Thailand, and northwestern Laos. Tectona grandis is found in a variety of habitats and climatic conditions from arid areas with only 500 mm of rain per year to very moist forests with up to 5,000 mm of rain per year. Typically, though, the annual rainfall in areas where teak grows averages 1,250-1,650 mm with a 3-5 month dry season.
Use- It is used in the manufacture of outdoor furniture and boat decks. It is also used for cutting boards, indoor flooring, counter tops and as a veneer for indoor furnishings. It is also largely used in boat building.
Nisarg Ranga
# DidYouKnow
Yellow-footed green pigeon
The yellow-footed green pigeon, also known as yellow-legged green pigeon, is a common species of green pigeon found in the Indian subcontinent. It is the state bird of Maharashtra. In Marathi it is called Hola or Hariyal.
Draco dussumieri
(Indian flying lizard)
Draco dussumieri or Indian flying lizard capable of gliding from tree to tree. It is found principally in the Western Ghats and some other hill forests of Southern India. By expanding the patagium, loose skin on the sides of the body which are supported by elongated ribs to act as wings they can glide from one tree to another tree.
Issue 06 l June 2020
On 7th May 2020 TERRE has signed a MOU with FHI360, a US based Organisation for UNEP CCAC based Third Country Workshop for Irani citizens on Clean Air in India.
TERRE Policy Centre Online Training Programme
(13th May 2020)
On 13th May 2020, TERRE Policy Centre has conducted Online training program for the Citizens of Tehran, Iran. It is a United Nations CCAC (The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants) project for which TERRE is an implementation partner. The training session was taken and lead by Dr. Vinita Apte Founder Director TERRE. The subject of online training was 'The role of Citizen Scientists in Identifying/Reporting air Pollution issues' and 'Best practices of Activism for The Right to breath Clean air'. Total three training was conducted till now; the 4th training session was conducted on 27th May 2020 on 'An Introduction on MVR for Community Stakeholders.' Participants mainly activist, Advocate and the Master students from the environmental field had participated in the programme. The training program was conducted through an online portal as well as on Telegram.
Issue 06 l June 2020
Today the whole world is suffering from COVID-19 pandemic. 'Stay home Stay safe' is compulsory during lockdown for all citizens of the country. The clear effects of the coronavirus observed on children’s education, social life and physical and mental health. A child needs to engage in indoor activities to stay happy and relax. Considering the current situation, E- competition has been organized by TERRE Policy Centre with the support of TATA motors Vasundhara. The E competition was launched on 19th April 2020 and was open till 15th May 2020. It is an online competition for students and children of age group between 6 To 18, where student have been asked to participate in some indoor activities by being at home with available sources and submit the activities through mail and WhatsApp. TERRE initiated this competition with the objective of stoking curiosity & making participation fun and interesting for all the participants. Children will get entertained as well as educate themselves during this lockdown period. E-competition has been receiving an overwhelming response from students throughout India.
Competition was open for total 6 activities which listed below:
1. Drawing Competition on “Corona, Environment & I (Me)”
2. Poem competition
3. Best out of waste
4. Essay competition on “Life through the window during lockdown”
5. Picture competition on “Best time utilization with family during lockdown”
6. “My inspiring story” competition on helping hand during the lockdown.
We have received great response from participants throughout India. Total 1950 Participants was sent there activities for the Competition. Among of the received activities our Juries Segregated the activities as a TOP 10 Participants for each activity. TERRE will distribute prizes for TOP 10 Participants once lockdown gets over, also all participants will receive their online participation certificate. You can check results by clicking below link.
Results for Competition are as below
Participation in Maximum Activities of TERRE E- Competition |
Name |
School |
Std. |
Vinisha Umashankar |
SKP Vanitha Int Schol |
9th |
Tufan Sarkar |
satishchandra Memorial school |
9th |
Manjima Chakraborty |
satishchandra Memorial school |
8th |
Hariharran S |
Vydehi School of Excellence |
5th |
Twisha Oberoi |
Balbharati Public School |
9th |
Aarav Singla |
IVY World School |
5th |
Aryaveer Saini |
IVY World School |
3rd |
Shiva Rathore |
Shree bhavans bharti public school |
10th |
Tanay Mahesh Ghadge |
Hume McHenry Memorial |
4th |
Aadhya Bordia |
KV, Bundi |
6th |
Drawing Competition on Corona, Environment, and I (Me) TOP 10 |
Name |
School Name |
Std. |
Tejaswi Singh Rajput |
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya |
9th |
M. Poojitha |
JNV, warngal |
10th |
Kuhi Bora |
CMCL Vidya Bharati School |
9th |
Manjima Chakraborty |
satishchandra Memorial school |
8th |
Anurudh Prakash |
KV, Chitrakoot |
12th |
Tanvi Donodkar |
Green Valley Public School |
7th |
Tanuj Samaddar |
SERS Public School |
9th |
Sakshi Mansingh |
JNV, Pawarkheda |
10th |
madini Saikia |
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya |
10th |
Atharva Keswani |
Balbharati Public School |
6th |
Best out of waste TOP 10 |
Name |
School |
Std. |
Tarun Pal |
KV, Vikas puri, New Delhi |
6th |
Aarav Singla |
IVY World School |
5th |
Hrita Singh Mahapatra |
MDB DAV Public school |
7th |
Vari Narayan |
BBPS GRHM School |
5th |
Asmi Thete |
New India School |
6th |
Aayush Kumar Jha |
DAV, Public school |
10th |
Vaishnavi Mishra |
Delhi Public School |
9th |
Sampurna De |
7th |
Pranati Khattar |
Balbharati Public School |
6th |
Manjima Chakraborty |
satishchandra Memorial school |
8th |
Best Time Utilization with Family During Lockdown TOP 10 |
Name |
School |
Std. |
Havisha Khanna |
IVY World School |
7th |
Sidak Kaur |
Bibi kaulan ji sr. sen, School |
5th |
Ahilya Sunil Morepatil |
Rani Lxmibai Mulinchi Sainiki School |
8th |
Vedika Keswani |
Balbharati Public School |
1st |
Komaljeet Kaur |
Bibi kaulan ji sr. sen, School |
2nd |
Ishani Mukherjee |
KV, Ballygunge |
4th |
Rittija Singha |
MDB DAV Public school |
3rd |
Bhavin |
IVY World School |
4th |
Harshil Vanama |
Alfred E.Zampella Public School, Jersey City |
3rd |
Varnit Mohindru |
Balbharati Public School |
5th |
Essay TOP 10 |
Name |
School |
Std |
Jonathan |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
8th |
Twisha Arora |
Kundan International School |
7th |
Ahana Maji |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
2nd |
Agamjot Singh |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
6th |
Aadwitt Mansingh |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
5th |
Saatvik Sharma |
BBPS, GRH marg |
8th |
Atharav Gupta |
Bal Bharti Public School |
5th |
Niket Goel |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
4th |
Ansh Chadha |
Mayoor School |
7th |
Ashwika Trehan |
Bal Bharti Public School |
7th |
Rajdeep Mahato |
Vivek Vidyalaya |
7th |
Kalpana Kumari |
KV Aliganj Lucknow |
9th |
Poem Top 10 |
Name |
School |
Standard |
Jai Mittal |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
6th |
Parth Nagpal |
Bal Bharti Public School |
5th |
Sankeerthana Krizen |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
8th |
Gyanshi Talwar |
Navit Kaur |
Priyanshi Talwar |
BBPS GRH marg |
6th |
Rudra Sharma |
IVY World School, Jalandhar |
6th |
Sayak Lahiri |
T.I.G.P.S. |
12th |
Abhinay |
Sanchika Shrivastava |
Bal Bharti Public School, GRH marg |
4th |
Best out of Waste and time utilization with family
Hey God, when will this pandemic get over
when will I go and play !!
Hey God, when will everybody be able to go around freely !
Hey God, when we will be able to go to our school
do you have any idea of our study loss!!!!!
Hey God, when we will be able to meet our friends
will we be able to meet them again ??
the lost can't be brought back
but, all I pray to you is
Hey God, please heal the infected
Hey God, please heal the world
As Dear God we are staying home trying not to be
in one of the thousands
We are doing everything we can
Washing your hands regularly
Wearing masks every time we get out of our home
Following all the instructions given by our Prime Minister
Saluting all the Doctors, Nurses, Police, Army, Bankers and all other front line workers who are here.....
Hey God, help us god... to get our country and the world out of this pandemic
-Jai Mittal
-Sayak Lahiri
Life Through The Window During Lockdown
Today, with the corona virus at its peak, a large population of people have lost their lives and with curfews and lockdowns imposed by the government, everybody are inside their homes experiencing a different kind of situation which none of the generation has seen or heard before. The situation had brought the whole world to a standstill.
Covid-19 has affected lakhs of people across the nation and many have lost their lives and their loved ones. Due to Corona virus, the respective governments of every country have imposed a lock down as a precautionary measure against the virus. The situation in India was also the same. Due to the virus many daily wage laborers, petty shop owners, street vendors have been badly affected. Many have lost their jobs and no income. As a result the migrants from other states had started to go back to their homes since they had nothing to eat or feed their children. Domestic Violence increased across many families, Children were not able to go to school, play around in the parks, shops were closed, no train, no flights, no local transport and many other things. Life in lockdown has brought many lives and families to a horrible situation in India and around the world.
“Every horrible situation offers us a lesson to learn and grow from.” Though the situation was very bad, Lock down due to COVID -19 also offered many good things to each and every person and to the Environment. The air was free from pollution, animals and birds were seen moving in the road very freely. People at home had to spend time with families. Parents spent time with their children, Children at home started to do creative and innovative things. People got time to exercise, do yoga, gardening, cooking, cleaning their houses etc and so many other things which they would not have been able to do before lock down in their busy schedule. Life was very busy and stressful at work and in offices, but lockdown brought them all to work from home and made them stay calm and relaxed. People started worshipping their God at home and lot of prayers were been done to stop corona. People learnt to be hygienic by wearing masks, washing hands often, covering their mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing, and by maintaining social distancing.
Teachers Olympiad
(15th Edition - May 2020)
TERRE conducted its 15th edition of Teachers Olympiad, which is an online competition scheduled every month. TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with Earth Day Network launched this Olympiad to encourage the teachers to spread awareness about environmental issues among students.

Winner of Teachers Olympiad - May, 2020:
Mr. Pravin Motalakar
Janta Highschool Kothali, Maharashtra
Issue 06 l June 2020
Young Research Fellowship
TERRE has declared national level 'Young Research Fellowship' in the reverential memory of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Dr Kalam had high expectations from the youth of India and keeping this in context, TERRE has announced this noble award on the occasion of Late Dr Kalam’s birth anniversary - 15 October 2019.
Our team has shortlisted 25 Applications out of 130 received from all over India. These shortlisted applications submitted to juries for further shortlisting. After the jury review on the 9 enthusiastic applications were selected for the final round of the fellowship. Shortlisted 9 Applicants were gone through interviews which were conducted on a video call.
Mr Ashok Mangotra (Former secretary to Government of India, and former president Dr Abdul Kalam) and Dr Vinita Apte (Founder director of TERRE policy centre) were Juries for video interviews.
Interviews were conducted from 14 th May 2020 to 16 th May 2020. In this Interview session's fellows presented and explained their project ideas and concepts to juries. Juries asked questions related to their projects and gave suggestions to make projects more economical and practical.
All the nine interviewed fellows' details are as below:
- Naveen Kumar
- Janani G
- Vedant Mishra
- Karthikka M
- Pawar Swapnil Ravindra
- Shruti Belose
- Raja Balaswarawathi
- Venkatalaxmi R
- Patill Bhagyashree Viththal
The final result will be declared soon.
TERRE Warrior of the Month
A field team of the TERRE Policy Centre is contentiously working hard in extreme climatic conditions on field for the protection, maintenance and watering plantation site. Mr. Dhanaji Bhaskar Bhoir (age 32) is TERRE warrior who belongs from fishermen community, Kandali pada village, Tehsil Pen, District - Raigad, Maharashtra. He is working on water supply for at Dolvi plantation site from  last 2
Years. Water supply through Pick up jeep from downhill to top of the hilly plantation site is one of the biggest challenges in hot summer.
Mr. Dhanaji has continuously adding their efforts for watering at Dolvi Plantation. Driving at difficult hill site and supplying 7 water trips having 7000 liter water per day is difficult task. He is playing important role in the afforestation on barren land and also conservation of biodiversity at Dolvi plantation site.
Considering his efforts and hard work TERRE Policy Centre declared Mr. Dhanaji as TERRE warrior of the Month.
Issue 06 l June 2020
Nilgiri tahr
(Nilgiritragus hylocrius)
The Nilgiri tahr ( Nilgiritragus hylocrius) is an ungulate that is endemic to the Nilgiri Hills and the southern portion of the Western & Eastern Ghats in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala in Southern India.
The Nilgiri tahr is a stocky goat with short, coarse fur and a bristly mane. Males are larger than females and of darker colour when mature. Both sexes have curved horns, reaching up to 40 cm (16 in) for males and 30 cm (12 in) for females. Adult males weigh 80 to 100 kg (180 to 220 lb) and stand about 100 cm (39 in) tall at the shoulder. Adult males develop a light grey area on their backs, thus are called "saddlebacks".
...... Read More
“Switch off your vehicle ignition while waiting for traffic signal”, so it can save our fuel needs and ultimately it leads to conservation of environment."
Issue 06 l June 2020
Short Poetry
Nature is inhaling pure breeze again,
Ocean is feeling the purity of virtuous rain,
It's not just the mother Earth who is healing again..
From chanting birds to clear sky, everyone is hoping to breath again..
Isn't it ironic how covid 19 pandemic is teaching all of us to behave again..
From rushy life to peaceful evenings..
Frustrated minds to blissful mornings..
Hectic schedule to family gathering's..
All the unexpected things are happening..
Anxiety was on the peak..
Depression was killing the inner peace..
Annoyed beings are now learing to believe..
Termination was the only limit but delighted minds now wants to live..
-Vasundhara Mishra
MIT World Peace University
My Relationship With TERRE (The Earth)
Covid-19 has been that magic wand of change to the environment which couldn’t have been possible in years. The lockdown due to coronavirus has brought the beauty and health of nature back to life. The air is more clear, the pollution has reduced to a great extent, the temperature is lower than usual in many places, the water bodies are now intoxicated and many such changes have taken place on
Earth which would  n’t have been possible in the near future. The reduction in human movement has a huge impact on the wildlife as well. Dolphins were spotted in the Bandra-Worli Sea link of Mumbai (India), birds fly being more carefree and many such changes have been there for good amidst this cold war against Covid-19. It was a very knowledgeable webinar organized by TERRE to explore the environmental impact during the lockdown.
- Bhawana Singh
CMS Jain University, Bangalore
Issue 06 l June 2020
Orbits the Earth!!'
Dhanraj Garad
Canada zoo to send panda's home after bamboo shortage
OTTAWA: A Canadian zoo is shipping two pandas home to China after the corona virus pandemic left it struggling to source the massive bamboo stockpiles needed to feed the giant creature.
...........Read more.
In which city of Maharashtra was the first Coronavirus case detected?
1. Mumbai
2. Nagpur
3. Sangli
4. Pune.
If you know the answer, send us at
Answer for last month's question:
(a) Maharashtra
Winner of the last month's question:
Amol kale (Mumbai)
Issue 06 l June 2020