Municipal Solid Waste Assessment, Panvel

Background : The purpose of this Agreement is to cooperate with TERRE Policy Centre in implementing the approved project: Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs).This PCA is concluded within the context of the CCAC Mitigating SLCPS from the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Sector. This initiative’s overarching goal is to enable cities, with the support of their regional and national governments, to move along waste hierarchy in a coordinated and cohesive manner in order to mitigate methane and black carbon emissions. TERRE Policy Centre has been selected to implement this PCA due to its strong presence and close relationships with national governments and cities in Maharashtra, India, which is a target country of the CCAC.

Objective of the SSFA The overall objective of this SSFA between UNEP and TERRE is to scale up the number of participating cities undertaking waste management actions that will significantly reduce SLCP emissions. The specific objectives of the project are to be achieved through undertaking a City Waste Assessment, developing a waste management City Action Plan, and preparing a City Profile for the city of Panvel in Maharashtra.

Supported cities that participate in the CCAC Municipal Solid Waste Initiative undertake a waste assessment, which allows for collecting current and future waste generation data and patterns as well as the current waste management system and gaps therein. The city waste assessments also cover a broad range of information to identify the clear linkages of waste and climate change focusing on SLCPs in each city. The city assessment highlights a broad list of priority interventions and is accompanied by a city waste management action plan. In the role of city implementer, TERRE Policy Centre will be involved in on-the-ground work, supported by experts, to undertake the city assessment, develop the city action plan and prepare the City Profile working closely with the focal points of the city of Panvel.

The city’s population of approximately 180,000 generates 50 Metric Tonnes (MT) of solid municipal waste per day currently, which has more than doubled since 2009 according to data provided by the municipal council. All this waste is currently being openly dumped with minimum diversion and processing techniques being adopted. Approximately 30MT is organic waste, and diverting this from open dumping could mitigate 21,000 MT of CO2 emissions per year as well as SLCP emissions. Cutting down on waste transportation by developing a centralised waste disposal system could further reduce emissions. Uncontrolled fires occur within the landfills, and contribute to SLCP emissions. Panvel city has therefore requested technical assistance in order to evaluate the current situation of waste management in the city and to develop an action plan for enabling reductions of SLCP emissions from waste. As India is going through rapid urbanization, small towns are developing very fast without taking enough measures to handle the sudden growth in generation of waste. This project would serve as an example for alternate waste management for other cities by add value to their planning and development.

3. Activities : Activity 1 – Undertake City Assessment and develop Action Plan for Panvel, India Tasks undertaken by TERRE Policy Centre will be implemented in collaboration with and following the guidance of the Lead Partners of the CCAC MSW initiative (Canada, Japan, Mexico, U.S., C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, ISWA, UNEP, and World Bank), the CCAC Secretariat and other interested CCAC partners and actors. The specific activities for Panvel will include the following, which are further outlined in the sections below:

  • Organize inception workshop
  • Undertake City Assessment, develop Action Plan and prepare City Profile
  • Discuss draft Action Plan with wider stakeholders to reach consensus for implementation
  • Prepare Final Action Plan and recommendations for replication
Director Message

"Summer has started. Now there is a possibility of forest fire. Be careful that your little mistake doesn't set the grass on fire. If the forest resources are safe, the earth is safe.!!"

Dr. Vinita Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
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Issue 3
March 2025
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