Policy Papers

Latest report on the Kaas Plateau

TERRE Policy Centre has released latest report on the Kaas Plateau giving recomm…

TERRE Policy Centre

Art of Living : FengShui Way

On the 16th of October, 2015 TERRE Policy Centre along with the Forest Departmen…

Authored by Master Véronique Lours and Céline Speranza

Municipal Solid Waste Management Challenges in Transforming Waste into Potential Resource for the Sustainable Society

Human Development Index should have Solid Waste Management as one of the critica…


Mobilise co-financing ozone protection and climate change

Past actions during last 20 years under the Montreal Protocol had dramatically p…


OzonAction Social Media Strategy

“To use social media tools to empower and engage the global ozone community to e…


Mobile Air Conditioning and Room Air Conditioning Strategy to Reduce Climate Forcing from Hydrofluorocarbons

The authors of this strategy, are grateful for the peer review comments by Elvis…

by Stephen O. Andersen, Durwood Zaelke, Danielle Fest Grabiel

UNEP Media Strategy

UNEP OzonAction Communication Strategy for the Global Compliance with the Montre…


Environment is victim in Armed Conflicts

However, peace law comprises international environmental norms, which are the on…

by Charlotte Collin, Environmental Law

Ecocide: A crime against the environment under international law?

In our last TERRE policy paper entitled “Environment is Victim in Armed conflict…

by Charlotte Collin, Researcher: Environmental Law

Right to ‘Green Cost’ can Ensue Common’s Participation in Sustainable Development

There has been a perceptible transformation in regard to global environmental di…

by Dr. Dipayan Dey, Chair-SAFE

Corporate Social Responsibility and Creative Government in India

India’s 2011 Companies Bill has just been passed. It heralds a new era in Corpor…

by Simon Hodgkinson

Exploration and Exploitation of the Seabed: a Drop in the Ocean?

8 June is designated by the United Nations as “World Oceans Day”. The oceans are…

by Marie Bertrand, Sorbonne University, Paris
Director Message

"Summer has started. Now there is a possibility of forest fire. Be careful that your little mistake doesn't set the grass on fire. If the forest resources are safe, the earth is safe.!!"

Dr. Vinita Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
Latest Newsletter
Issue 3
March 2025
Photo Gallery
Cultivating Sustainability: Fruiting Trees Distribution in Dandeli
Pune, July 2024

TERRE Policy Centre organized a tree distribution drive in Dandeli, Karnataka, where they distribute...

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