TERRE team visited Campus of YCIS (Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science) Satara, State of Maharshtra, India to discuss the actions to make the Institute's campus more energy efficient. The present electricity consumption cost for the campus exceeds couple of lakhs of Indian Rupees (one lakh is equal to 100,000). TERRE and YCIS agreed to explore the area of saving this cost.
Apart from saving the energy cost for the campus of YCIS, the awareness on practical measures for improving the energy efficiency in university campuses would help young students to take up similar measures in their professional career later. Hence the initiative of TERRE and YCIS has far reaching positive impacts" said Rajendra Shende, Chairman of TERRE Policy Centre.
Faculty and students of YCIS are known for their innovative responses for the social and environmental problems. We are willing to explore the project on reducing the energy consumption in the YCIS campus in Satara', Said Dr. Arvind Burungale, Secretary of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, parent organization of YCIS.
TERRE in cooperation with Princeton University, USA is proposing to organize a seminar in Satara on the subject in month of May 2013.
"Summer has started. Now there is a possibility of forest fire. Be careful that your little mistake doesn't set the grass on fire. If the forest resources are safe, the earth is safe.!!"
TERRE Policy Centre organized a tree distribution drive in Dandeli, Karnataka, where they distribute...