Well Hand over Program at Vandre Village

TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with 100 Pipers Music CDs constructed a well (size 25 feet X 25 feet) at Vandre village in Pune District. Vandre village was facing water scarcity because of the geographical reasons. Vandre is a rain fed region of the Sahayadris and since it is located on the steep slopes of the Sahayadris, the water runoff rate in this region is high and storage of the rainwater is difficult.The well construction was started on 5th June 2016. On 25th January, TERRE Policy Centre handed over the well which will be serving more than 250 villagers and more than 400 pets. The newly constructed well is also reducing the women’s efforts as now they don’t have to roam all over the area searching for the water. Also, it will be helpful for the villagers to increase their pets as previously it was impossible because of the water scarcity issues. It will help to increase their economic level by increasing the productivity through poultries and dairies.

Director Message

Here is the month of June and the onset of the rain god.
The trees and plants will bloom with rain showers.
However, we see depletion of groundwater storage. The heavy development around us like the cement roads, tiles and construction activities does not help water to percolate in the ground.
We desperately need to plan the storage of water in the ground with help of tanks and seepage.
This will increase the level of groundwater reserves. The rivers, wells and small water reservoirs will have adequate supply.
Harvest water! Conserve life on Earth!

Dr. Vinita Apte
Founder Director, TERRE
Latest Newsletter
Issue 6
June 2024
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TERRE @ Regiioal Forum, Srilanka
Srilank, February 2024

Being as a Project Partner TERRE Policy Centre team was invited at Nagenahiru Centre for Environment Education at Godahena, Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka for Regional Forum form 4th Feb to 9th Feb 2024.

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