On the occasion of “World Environment Day 2021” TERRE Policy Centre was in collaboration with Persistent Foundation and planted 1600 indigenous trees in the SRPF Group 1 campus, Ramtekdi, Pune. On 7th June 2021 inauguration of the plantation was done by IPS Ms Niva Jain, DYSP Mr. Khedekar and Mr Chandgude at this plantation site. TERRE planted regular trees like Bamboo, Wad, Pimpal, Karanj, Shishu, Amaltas, Arjun, Kanchan along with fruiting trees like Jackfruit, Badam, Coconut, Kadamb, Tamarind, Bel, Jamun, Cashew.
"Summer has started. Now there is a possibility of forest fire. Be careful that your little mistake doesn't set the grass on fire. If the forest resources are safe, the earth is safe.!!"
TERRE Policy Centre organized a tree distribution drive in Dandeli, Karnataka, where they distribute...